
I’ve always loved dressing up. Whether I’m at a festival or on the farm, it doesn’t matter where I am. It’s about how I’m feeling and how the clothes make me feel. What do I want to embody in this moment? I use clothing as a gateway to explore the different parts of me.

Creating clothing is my life passion and my art. I have been exploring and practicing it since the age of ten: cutting up old jeans to make patchwork mini-skirts and using my dad’s rusty old beer bottle lids as buttons. Since then, I’ve honed my art to truly represent my values.

I’m inspired by the wildlife that surrounds me, the insects, birds, frogs, serpents, and any creatures that cross my path. From this inspiration I create timeless clothing that can act like a blank canvas for the wearer: simple and raw. So much of the detail emerges through the person wearing it; their essence is revealed.

I have long dreamt of working for myself, on my time, with my rules. As a woman I need to live on moon time to get the most out of life. This is what Fuck The Clock means to me. What is time really?

I want to make fashion, but I refuse to submit to the toxic culture of the industry. Fuck fast fashion. The industry profits on feeding the consumerist beast, churning out waste and pollution at the price of the environment. More than 60 percent of fabric fibres are now synthetics, derived from fossil fuels, so when clothing ends up in a landfill, it can take hundreds of years to decompose. On top of this, the fashion industry is notorious for exploiting the toil of the powerless and the voiceless and ensuring that they are kept that way. This destructive culture drove me to break from the system and bring my fashion back to the source: my own hands.

I believe in creating pieces of clothing that are made from my soul, with respect to the land. My fabric of choice is Hemp and there is so much to love about it! Just a few of its many qualities include breathability, durability, protection against UV rays, anti-bacterial and allergy friendly. Not to mention it’s recyclable and environmentally sustainable with moderate water requirements and little or no herbicides, pesticides or fungicides needed.

Each piece of clothing is handcrafted by me, with reverence to the living, growing human who wears it. Fashion may be short-term, but style lives on forever; it’s an expression of someone’s soul. It’s my honour and joy to share this gift with you and I am eternally grateful to all of you who choose to follow my creative journey, feeling the love and care sewn into every piece.